Jiuding Duan (段 九鼎)
Ph.D. student
e-mail : dj /at/ ml.ist.i.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University.
「天行有常,不为尧存,不为桀亡。」 ---荀子
Research Interest
I'm interested in machine learning, deep learning and structured output prediction, supervised by Prof. Hisashi Kashima.
Besides tech, I like macro-economics and financial market.
[News] finished summer internship in Tokyo (Jul. ~ Sep. 2017)
[News] will serve as a session chair for PAKDD. (Apr. 2017)
[News] finished my 10th full marathon. (Feb. 2017)
[News] passed JLPT N2 level. (Feb. 2017)
[News] one paper accepted by PAKDD (acceptance rate: 28.2%). (Jan. 2017)
2nd Prize in National High School Physics Competition
Siemens A&D Scholarship
Yuyuan Scholarship
National Scholarship
Outstanding Master Thesis Award
I like reading, cooking, sports, and photography, which occupied my spare time.
See CV for more