- Lu Xiaotian, Arseny Tolmachev, Tatsuya Yamamoto, Koh Takeuchi, Seiji Okajima, Tomoyoshi Takebayashi, Koji Maruhashi, Hisashi Kashima.
Crowdsourcing Evaluation of Saliency-based XAI Methods.
In Proceedings of the European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD), 2021.
# クラウドソーシングによるXAI手法(AIの判断の解釈手法)の定量評価 - Luu Huu Phuc, Koh Takeuchi, Seiji Okajima, Arseny Tolmachev, Tomoyoshi Takebayashi, Koji Maruhashi, Hisashi Kashima.
Inter-domain Multi-relational Link Prediction.
In Proceedings of the European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD), 2021.
# 複数ドメイン・複数種の関係グラフ上のリンク予測法 - Yanbin Liu, Makoto Yamada, Yao-Hung Hubert Tsai, Tam Le, Ruslan Salakhutdinov, Yi Yang.
LSMI-Sinkhorn: Semi-supervised Squared-Loss Mutual Information Estimation with Optimal Transport.
In Proceedings of the European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD), 2021.
# 最適輸送を用いた半教師付き相互情報量推定
ECML PKDD 2021 に3本の論文が採択されました
機械学習・データマイニングの国際会議 ECML PKDD (European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases)に3本の論文が採択されました: